A 3D creation event for 18-14 year olds is coming to Bath at the end of this month. Organised by 3Dami, an organisation founded to promote digital art amongst pre-university students, it is designed to attract students with an interest in art and technology and provide them with the stimulating opportunity to create their own 3D animation movie. But hurry, you only have until 21 July to apply!
Running with great successes for 4 years now, the 3Dami project aims to abolish the assumption that there is limited demand for those in the special effects industry and inspire already engaged students to continue to produce films once the project is finished.
“We have a massive special effects industry and are one of the top countries in which to make computer games, and yet most students are not even aware that these opportunities exist”
The organisers of 3Dami wish to attract a range of students from as young as 14, up to 18.
A week of film-making
Those lucky enough to be selected after applications, will be put into groups of about 9 and the object is to produce an original animated film from scratch. It takes place over 7 working days going from Wednesday to Friday with a break on the weekend and continuing through from Monday until Thursday when the final edition of the films will be premiered to students, friends and family – you can find the schedule here.
There’s even a chance to experience what it’s like to have the role of the director or producer as these positions are voted in by the team.
This entertaining tale of a man who cannot defeat a persistent, pesky snail is a prime example of a short film you can create with 3Dami’s project. You can find more examples from previous years on the 3Dami website.
3Dami wants to voice these opportunities and do so through their fantastic project that provides students with an insight into how the industry works.
Are you what 3Dami are after?
Students from a wide range of skill sets are encouraged to apply, Tom explains, “It ranges from people interested in computer science, and programming/computer games through to fine art, architecture, marketing, and, unsurprisingly, films.”
For the purposes of the project, is it key to have individuals with these interests so the films created have inputs from the different subject areas, which results in a well-rounded finished project. There are some requirements however: you must evidence your enthusiasm in any of the related areas and this is done through presenting a portfolio that has to be submitted (old work is welcome!). As well as this, some basic knowledge on how to use Blender, which is the software 3Dami use in making the animations, is necessary.
Take the plunge and get involved
3Dami is a great way to get invaluable first-hand experience in working in the animation and special effects industry. It can provide an array of benefits and develop crucial skills such as working effectively in a team in addition to learning about the processes of creating a film.
“One previous student used their 3Dami work to get on the British Film Institute’s director’s course”
The project has had some huge successes as Tom exemplifies, “We have so far had 6 teams successfully complete a film. Among our graduates, most are still at uni, but they have done a wide range of subjects, from computer science through to fine art. We have had one student go to the world famous California institute of arts (every Pixar film includes a reference to it, because so many of their animators were trained there), another used their 3Dami work to get on the British Film Institute’s director’s course, and another one is currently doing an internship at Double Negative, the largest special effects house in the UK, that has worked on all the Harry Potter films, recent Batman films and recent James Bond films.”
So if you have a passion for anything from fine art to computing why not sign yourself up? There’s nothing to lose and maybe you will find yourself taking part in an educational, yet thoroughly enjoyable, animation project!
We would like to thank Tom for taking the time to speak to us about 3Dami, you can apply for the scheme which runs in Bath from 29 July to 6 August 2015 (you have until 21 July to register your interest) and find more information at 3Dami’s website, you can also find them on Facebook and Twitter: @3damistudios
- You may like: Impressive 3D and VFX projects from Bath students at Centre for Digital Entertainment showcase
The post Want to learn to be an animator? Here’s your chance! appeared first on TechSPARK.